Best High Stakes Poker Rooms OnlineWhen you think of high stakes poker you usually think of the “Big Game” in Vegas or High Stakes Poker on TV where you watch players like Phil Ivey and Daniel Negreanu battle it out for sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars. The high stakes action is no longer limited to the Vegas strip or the sports shows. These games have made their way online and sometimes feature pots bigger than those in the live games. The players involved in the high stakes poker games online are not limited to just the celebrity personas you see from your living room, but some of the top leading professional online players who’ve taken the meaning of high stakes poker to a whole new level. Best US Poker Rooms in 2018
High Stakes Poker Sites for US PlayersBecause of poker rooms like Pokerstars and Full Tilt (these sites no longer accept USA players), players can watch and rail incredibly sick limits with games spreading as high as $1000/$2000. They can watch pro players win millions or lose millions in a matter of hours which is something they wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to do unless they made the trip to Vegas. Even if you don’t have the bankroll to play against Ivey, the high stakes poker sites will allow you to watch him play and smash records left right and center. This is one of the advantages to playing on a high stakes site even if you can’t play the games themselves. Additionally these poker rooms also usually categorized has high traffic poker sites since they are able to maintain all games regardless of limits. This often means that players who do have the bankroll to sit down at the $25/$50 tables can do so any hour of the day. The number of high stakes poker sites for US players are limited to a very select few. You’ll find a list of all US high stakes poker sites listed above as well as the new poker rooms offering mid to high limit games. In addition to this, all available bonuses offered for new players and information about the stakes and games will be noted. |
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